Sustainable Energy Transition

Clean energy

Green Hydrogen

GREEN HYDROGEN, the world’s most abundant and lightest element, has a wide range of industrial applications, from refining to petrochemicals to steel manufacturing. Made from electrolysis to split water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity from renewable energy, green hydrogen is emissions free.

Green Ammonia

GREEN AMMONIA is a pungent gas, that is widely used to make agricultural fertilizers, and it is also being used by many industries including power generation. A green Ammonia production involves a process which is 100% renewable and carbon-free. The production of green ammonia could offer further options in the transition to net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. 

vision for the future

A sustainable energy transition is a driver of positive change

Reaching net-zero emission targets by 2050 requires an accelerated energy transition with renewable energy at its core.

Renewables do not emit greenhouse gas emissions or other air pollutants during operation. Even when accounting for the total carbon footprint over their whole life cycle, renewables far outperform coal, oil, and gas.


Renewables are competitive

Investing in renewable energy such as solar, hydro, and wind is a safe bet from a climate or environmental perspective and is competitive in terms of its cost perspective. Renewables will increase their cost competitiveness through economies of scale and technological innovation, whereas fossil fuels will rise due to growing CO2 prices. To fully decarbonize power by 2040, renewables need to make up 60% of global electricity by 2030, with 40% covered by solar and wind, according to the sector's 2030 Breakthrough outcome.

Our Signature Project Create Jobs

There are numerous benefits of the signature Green Ammonia Production Facility (the “Project”) in Australia's Northern Territory, including but not limited to the following: The Project will benefit calls for energy diversification in NT to increase energy security against the volatility of conventional fossil fuels; the Project is expected to stimulate economically and will provide employment opportunities for many people within NT during both construction and operation phases, including those employed directly by contractors providing goods and services.

Big Boost to Green Hydrogen

Here's How

Green Ammonia, made from renewables, can fill some gaps, particularly in heavy industry and heavy transport sectors like shipping and steel. According to the 2030 Breakthroughs, Green Ammonia and its derivative fuels will become the source of choice compared to fossil fuel rivals if the price drops to US$2/kg and capacity and policy support end-user commitments to deliver mass-scale production by mid-decade. Production capacity deployment of 15-25GW represents a tipping point for 500-800 million tonnes of production by 2050.
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