Indigenous Relations & Partnerships

Engagement for Mutual Benefit

AGA’s project in Australia’s Northern Territory operates in traditional territories, and we work closely with Indigenous communities to explore mutually beneficial investment, employment, and business opportunities. Having the ability to share a unique cultural perspective helps us align our vision, policies, and programs with the aspirations of our partner communities.

As in any relationship, we know that trust is earned over time through our actions, focusing on open and active collaboration between our community partners, Indigenous businesses, clients, and people.

Indigenous Peoples

In Australia, AGA's commitment to Indigenous Peoples is guided by the following principles:

  1. AGA believes in the inherent rights of all Indigenous Peoples to maintain social, cultural, and spiritual identities, exercise jurisdiction over traditional lands, and pursue sustainable economic prosperity.
  2. AGA will purposefully inform and educate employees, customers, suppliers, and community stakeholders about the rights of self-determination of Indigenous Peoples as declared in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
  3. AGA acknowledges its business’s reliance on consent and partnership with Indigenous Peoples.
  4. AGA is committed to the principles of the Canadian Council of Aboriginal Business (CCAB)  that are applicable in Australia, and the Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) program and to:
  • Strive to maintain at least 10% of its Northern Territory of Australia workforce from Indigenous communities.
  • Develop and maintain meaningful business partnerships that share revenues and profits through community and employment opportunities.
  • Create opportunities, expand capacity, and build partnerships with Indigenous-owned businesses.
  • Make sustainable and meaningful contributions to communities and programs to support education and scholarship opportunities for the next generation of Indigenous leaders.

Through this commitment, AGA will adhere to the highest standards of ethical business practices and open and transparent operations to unlock opportunities for AGA and Indigenous Peoples.

What is PAR?

Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) is a certification program that confirms corporate performance in Aboriginal relations at the Bronze, Silver, or Gold level. Certified companies promote their status with a PAR logo, signaling that they are good business partners, great places to work, and committed to prosperity in Aboriginal communities worldwide. PAR is the only Corporate Social Responsibility program emphasizing Aboriginal Relations.


Supporting Indigenous Businesses

The underlying principle of AGA’s Indigenous Procurement Policy is to support the long-term economic interests of Indigenous Peoples. We do this by promoting the participation of qualified Indigenous businesses to work with us on our capital projects and our ongoing operations.

Indigenous Employment & Career Development

AGA operates close to Indigenous territories, and we encourage participation in community-based recruitment and training programs. AGA’s Indigenous Employment Strategy focuses on three key activities:

COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Generate awareness in the community for AGAPL, our industry, and the careers that can build within the occupations that support it.

PROACTIVE RECRUITMENT: Hold hiring fairs within the community, providing visibility and access to those who cannot travel to events in larger urban centers.

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: We aim to partner with the government, university, and industry to help those interested in the Green Ammonia productions, sustainability of the project, our corporate sustainability, and social initiative, and caring for the environment to develop the skills they need to be be be enter the workforce.

As a result of our ongoing commitment to the area of focus mentioned above, we continue to grow our base of employees from the Indigenous community.

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